The arrangements for mandolin

=The lists in alphabetical order by the composer's surname=

Contained 1,026 works of 376 composers on May the 26th,2014

 I release the lists of the arrangements for combinations of mandolin and its companions.The works in the lists come up to the next four standards.

 1.The legitimate arrangements those have no infringement of the copyrights
 2.The publications on sale or the public archives in libraries or other institutions
 3.Originally composed for orchestra,winds,piano or other instruments,not for mandolin or its family
 4.Without the works in the lists of “The works for mandolin” in my library

 In Japan,it had been the mainstream to choose the arrangements of classical works for mandolinquartet appeared on the former special journals for mandolinists and supplemented the parts of mandocello and doublebass for their performances.So they had been assorted as the same position as the arrangements of popular music for entertainment.But specially educated musicians who try to arrange for mandolinorchestra have been increasing,the circumstances are quite different now.
 I do not always rate the arrangements,especially of classical works,but often regreted after I heard musical performances by other clubs that they did not choose better arrangements.Therefore if my lists are substantial,they can choose a score from some arrangements or guess its performance by the arranger’s abilities when they want to play the classical work.
 And also I aim to turn the data which can not be included in the lists of “The works for mandolin” in my library.
 I will add new works at any time,then the lists soon may be useful for your musical selection.

                Q       X   

NOTES 1.The abbrebiations of instruments in the lists  2.The abbrebiations of publishers in the lists   

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